Our services at Adair Opticians Belfast
263 Shankill Road, Belfast, BT13 1FR
Delivering quality eye care for you and the community of Belfast
Single vision
from £39
from £69
from £99
Comprehensive Ophthalmic Services at Adair Opticians
Eye services at Adair Opticians
Domiciliary eye care
We are happy to arrange to visit patients in their own home, hospital or care home.
Ask a member of staff about Domiciliary eye testing or contact the practice.
Children eye care
Bring your child early if you suspect a turn in eye Early detection of visual problems is very important for child development.
It’s important that all children are tested before starting school – they do not need to know the alphabet before coming.
We offer a wide range of frames – all shapes, colours and sizes.
We accept hospital and clinic prescriptions.
We can supply prescription sports goggles for football, rugby, swimming etc.
Eye tests are free for all under 16 and those up to 19yrs and still in full-time education or training.
Repairs and replacement spex free of charge for under 16.
Emergency eye care – NI PEARS
Free service for patients who develop sudden eye problems, e.g. red eye ,flashes & floaters, injury or sudden loss of vision.
Patients are examined and may be treated at the practice by the optometrist, referred to a GP, or referred to Hospital Eye Service for further assessment and treatment.
Adair Opticians - Belfast - Opening Hours
Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm
Closed for lunch: 1pm - 2pm